At Headwaters, we brought together a handful of young emerging church leaders. We learned that the next generation of church will not happen as we stay within the particular bounds of our history.
Faith Formation For Me, Too
This story of struggle and uncertainty followed by surprise and hope is nearly ubiquitous. The death of the seed seems to always be followed by a harvest.
The Keep & Till’s new ministry is moving forward!
Every time we think we have come to a breaking point, our people push past the barrier. For this, we give thanks to the Holy Spirit.
Are we called to make an impact? Or to leave no trace?
With a Leave No Trace mindset, accumulation and growth are no longer factors driving the church; faithfulness and service are.
The Keep & Till, our new church plant, focuses on agrarian discipleship
At The Keep & Till, our commitment is to the creation of agrarian disciples to serve rural communities.